Lp siding problems in Clark County: Preferred Exteriors is your local Lp siding replacement contractor here in town servicing all areas around Clark County WA. I have inspected thousands of homes all around Vancouver including outskirt areas like Yacholt WA, Camas WA, Battle Ground WA and Ridgefield WA over the last 30 years. If you have Lp siding problems or any stamped wood knot remotely close to the signature trademark Lp knot pictured here you have Lp siding. You can see the letters Lp. Look very closely because sometimes it is not well defined and hard to see. As a professional inspector and Clark County siding contractor here in Southern Washington, I can usually find it within a minute. Rarely does it take me longer. Lp siding came to the Vancouver WA metro area in the mid 80’s duding the giant building boom. If you’ve lived here long enough, you will remember the large fields that used to abound everywhere. They are now full of subdivision. There are multiple ways to see if your Lp siding is failing which I can show with a digital moisture meter. Preferred Exteriors also can often just replace portions of your siding if thats what you prefer doing a less expensive siding repair. Many companies wont because it’s not profitable enough to them. Thats just crazy and a terrible way to run a business. We appreciate all our customers and want to serve them in the way that is best for them. Many siding companies that try to scare you into replacing the whole home, I won’t simply because I have successfully kept operating costs down. Preferred Exteriors is here to service your needs, not ours. So if you think you may have Lp siding problems in Clark County, call the preferred siding contractor here in town. Call Preferred Exteriors today at (360) 687-4646 to see how we can help and I will give you as much information as you need for you to make the best decision regarding your Lp siding problem.

Lp siding trademark knot siding repair companies Preferred Exteriors Clark County